About the project

The purpose of the #YouEU project is to reinvigorate the relationship of European Youth with the EU and promote active youth participation in the EU democratic life by harnessing the potential of digital tools and promoting e-participation.
A well-informed young generation confidently engaging with digital democracy tools and making its claims open to the public sphere will foster active EU citizenship and will build a sense of European identity.
The objectives of
the project are to:
Enhance the capacity of youth workers and CSOs professionals
to support young people on using digital democracy tools so as to better understand and contribute to EU democracy processes.
Raise awareness and educate youth on e-democracy and participation concepts
tools and their potential.
Strengthen transnational cooperation
among youth and foster an EU digital public sphere.
Encourage youth participation
in the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Foster understanding
and a sense of a common European identity among youth.